This is my inquiry on when I'm going to take a domain name for my business. What do you think a keyword based domain name best for getting the Google rank or Brand is important then keywords?

There may be many debates. But, I need a clear decision to choose my domain name with your worthwhile opinion.

EMD ==> Exact Match domain is dead at 2012. Now what you want to focus for Big G's SERp is Content. Quality Content.

Kind Regards

It depends... like with a lot of things :)

If you still need to get your name out there, in other words if your unknown to the mass, then your brandname is more likely the route to take.

keyword-oriented domain names are better than Brand Name because they’re more searchable. Search engines recognise the words in the domain name.

These days, no matter what your domain name. If you are working good and follow search engine guidelines. You get good results. I suggest you to add article, blog submission and press release for getting good results.

@Adam Wright, oh man working hard is better than Working Smart.

By Simple If you have a Unique High Quality Content then definitely it will Rank on SE.

yep Off PAGE optimization is Much Recommended one but doing on page is more important than on page.

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keyword-oriented domain names are better than Brand Name because they're more searchable. Search engines recognise the words in the domain name.

Basically, Google has much better results with keywords than brand name

@Warrens80 Noted Bro.

Kind Regards

a simple view:

brand name :vs: keywords : vs : : vs : : vs :

the most popular sites did not exist as words, before they became websites, facebook (?).

the site name is absolutely irrelevant to search engines;
relevant to people, use what people recognise

Content matters to search engines,
get the content right with the directives from your Google webmaster tools page.

Choose the keywords which are th most importants for you to rank. Keywords in domain name will help a lot.

almostbob Yes you are right they didn't exist as keywords. So you mean there isn't need to name a domain as keywords?

Key words are SE insignificant, have been for multiple generations of SEAlgorithm, bots index entire content,
none of the top 10, top 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000 etc, companies have keywords in their sitename, all have their name as their sitename,
BRAND is good (Greed is good get out Gordon)
When you google a random search term, none of the top ten results for the search term will be from "search term".com
When you search for a brand specific term, you get "brand".com
"keyword" websites are often spam sites, the content does not match the keyword
"lorem ipsum bullshit garbage download my virus ridden spyware no this is genuine Microsoft freeware garbage bullshit ipsum lorem"

Google hold 80% + of search traffic therefore google make the rules
Read google 101 lessons on how google indexes the web, ignore any ideas that don't match, no matter who they come from
Get a google webmaster tools account, follow the personalised instructions for your website, again ignore any ideas that don't match, no matter who they come from

There are hundreds of other search engines, in total they add to, big fat hairy deal

The only thing that matters for your sitename, is People recognise it is yours

Thanks samauden,

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