579 Topics

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Everyone knows that Linus Torvalds '[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3825.html"]is a Linux[/URL]' but did you know he is also a born-again gnome? An Australian interview with the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20046/53/"]often outspoken[/URL] creator of the Linux kernel, Linus Torvalds, has revealed that he is a gnome once more. Well, OK, that he is a GNOME user once …

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Asus might have [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3637.html"]lost the netbook war[/URL] to Acer, but it is fighting back as far as the keyboard PC wars are concerned. With the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) still a day away in Vegas, the geeky and gadgetry announcements are coming thick and fast. We've already got a taster …

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A public beta has started for the latest version of the BBC iPlayer desktop download manager which supports Linux, Mac and Windows. This represents a huge, and hugely overdue, move forward for the BBC which previously only allowed Windows users to download programmes using the iPlayer. The secret is in …

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Asus pretty much invented the whole netbook concept as we understand it today with the Eee PC, and for the longest time it sat pretty at the top of the netbook sales charts. The more astute reader might have noticed the past tense here, because Asus no longer rules the …

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Now that, if you are a hardcore PC gamer, is cool. ASUS has announced the availability of what it claims is the world's first quad core gaming notebook. The G71 series is powered by the Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9300 processor, and has had 'overspeed protection' removed to push it …

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At the risk of being sexist, does anyone really fall for this 'computers for the ladies' hard sell? I am assuming that the answer must be yes, otherwise companies would not keep pumping out the pink gadgets and Hewlett Packard would not have come up with the special edition ladies …

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Dell has been pretty busy of late in the netbook market, what with the high profile launch of the shiny little [URL="http://www.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/laptop-inspiron-9?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs"]Inspiron Mini 9[/URL] that caught the attention of media and public alike. About six weeks ago I was writing about how Tesco, the British supermarket giant, had slipped up …

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With no end in sight to the economic malaise and a good chance that this could be lasting a while, it's time to find ways to cut your IT budget. Just today OpenOffice.org announced that [URL="http://www.openoffice.org/"]the Release Version of OpenOffice 3.0[/URL] is available on its web site, and it's proving …

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"It’s Harvard or Yale, Harpic or Domestos, AA or RAC, PC or Mac. Binary tribalism: Gilbert and Sullivan wrote a song about it" [URL="http://stephenfry.com/blog/"]writes Stephen Fry[/URL] as he explains that when it comes to the world of serious digital photography that choice is pretty much narrowed down to Canon or …

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According to reports, Intel has decided that there will be no more Centrino Atom chipsets. Fear not, mobile Internet device loving gadget fans, for this does not mean the same thing as there being no more of the chipsets that are helping to power the ultra-low-cost mobile PC market. All …

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It seems that the draft spec for USB 3.0 has been [URL="http://www.informationweek.com/news/hardware/peripherals/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=210004195"]released by Intel[/URL] following much online speculation over exactly what the technology would and would not be able to do. To be precise, what Intel has released is the 'Extensible Host Controller Interface draft specification revision 0.9' for Super-Speed …

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VIA has a pretty long and glorious record when it comes to producing low budget but high performance motherboard chipsets. Indeed, for many shoestring performance PC enthusiasts VIA has achieved something nearing saintly status. Unfortunately, like all other saints, it seems that as far as the VIA motherboard chipset business …

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Wow! That's a lot of e-book reader hardware units. I mean, everyone knew these things were popular after selling out so quickly straight off the bat. But 240,000 units? Who would have thought there would be such a huge demand for this kind of technology. Especially since every e-book reader …

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According to the [URL="http://www.CE.org"]Consumer Electronics Association[/URL] the global revenue for consumer electronics will jump 10 percent this year, reaching a staggering $700 billion by next year. In its Worldwide Consumer Electronics Sales & Forecast report, the CEA says that consumers will spend $42 billion more in 2009 than they did …

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Yes, I know it sounds pretty daft, but MIO has [URL="http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2008/07/09/knight_rider_satnav_confirmed/"]confirmed[/URL] that it will be releasing a satnav built entirely around a Knight Rider theme next month in the US. Fans who want to experience that genuine eighties retro feel, but in a totally modern way, will just love KITT …

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Matrox has announced what it claims to be the first true QuadHead GPU, the Matrox M-Series. Which begs the question, just how many monitors do you need? With 512 MB of memory, native PCIe x16 performance and a fanless design for quiet operation you might think Matrox has done enough …

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[URL="http://www.zotac.com"]Zotac[/URL] has today announced the availability of what it claims is the fastest core clock speed for a graphics card straight out of the box. The GTX 280 AMP! Edition overclocks the NVIDIA GTX 280 card to top, are you ready for this, 700 MHz. OK, so it adds about …

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Those clever boffins at the University of Bath, England have managed to develop a machine called [URL="http://dev.www.reprap.org/bin/view/Main/WebHome"]RepRap[/URL] which can, effectively, replicate itself. The boffins themselves describe it as being a 3D printer which can print, or rather produce, real mechanical parts. Perhaps most interesting is the claim that RepRap can …

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Do any of the following sound familiar? Intel is not only driving but actually creating the USB 3 specification, while at the same time refusing to share the full spec with the industry, oh and don't forget that it has 'borrowed heavily' from the PCI Special Interests Group. They all …

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It's unsurprising that a [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7431336.stm"]report in the UK[/URL] says that there are gross variations in the speed picked up by broadband customers in different areas of the UK. I have no doubt this is the same in the US and elsewhere. The major population centres get the faster broadband, if …

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[URL="http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/197442/intel-not-ruling-out-shortages-after-chinese-earthquake.html"]PC Pro is reporting[/URL] that Intel hopes that its Chinese manufacturing plant is back in production by next week, but following the earthquake disaster has to admit that the situation could best be described as being 'dynamic.' The chip packaging plant in Chengdu, some 60 miles away from the earthquake …

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Microsoft has launched a new add-in, designed specifically to simplify the process of creating content that is accessible for visually impaired and what it refers to as 'print disabled' individuals. The new [URL="http://www.openxmlcommunity.org/daisy"]Save as DAISY XML[/URL] add-in is open source, being developed in conjunction with the [URL="http://www.daisy.org"]Digital Accessible Information System …

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Rather aptly located in the heart of Silicon Valley, the [URL="http://www.computerhistory.org"]Computer History Museum[/URL] will open its doors to the Charles Babbage Difference Engine Number 2 on May 10th. One of only two such working devices in existence, the first being housed within the Science Museum in London, the Babbage Engine …

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Can it really be 4 years back that Microsoft produced that always destined to fail product the datacasting SPOT watch? Yep, apparently it can, and apparently it has finally been killed off once and for all. Heck, how could it have succeeded? Cast your mind back to 2004 and think …

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According to [URL="http://www.fujitsu-siemens.com"]Fujitsu Siemens Computers[/URL] the days of simply upgrading to faster processors in order to squeeze extra performance out of legacy applications are rapidly coming to an end. In a press release distributed today the company warns that the increasing use of multi-core processors, and the simple replacement of …

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New Scientist magazine has compiled a pretty darn interesting list of what it says are the [URL="http://technology.newscientist.com/article/dn13656-ten-weirdest-computers.html?DCMP=ILC-hmts&nsref=news1_head"]top ten weirdest computers[/URL] ever. Some are weirder than others, like the chap at the University of Illinois who has developed a method of creating 3D optical waveguides out of photonic crystals, with the …

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Remember those X-Ray Specs you could order as a kid from the newspaper classifieds that promised the ability to see through clothes to the undergarments below? I do, and I can report that they most certainly did not work - much to my disappointment as a 10 year old kid. …

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Epson is making a play for the green printer market by launching a laser toner cartridge [URL="http://www.epson-europe.com/environment/collectandrecycle"]return and recycle programme[/URL] as part of a long term commitment to be more environmentally friendly in its dealings with customers regarding printing solutions. The new scheme, here in the UK at any rate, …

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So it would appear that the long and bloody war between the next-generation of high definition DVD formats is coming to a close, with word on the grapevine suggesting that the HD DVD commander-in-chief Toshiba is ready to surrender. While there will be the inevitable continuation of small skirmishes, mainly …

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Whenever I see a press release that includes words such as monetize, world's largest and unique position I have to admit I get a sudden urge to reach for the delete key. However, on this occasion I decided to read on simple because it came from the direction of SourceForge.net …

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The End.