40 Topics

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The ominous 13th entry in my ongoing Crystal Ball Sunday series highlights a somewhat controversial and oft misunderstood computing space known as Cloud Computing. As I explained in my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3340.html"]I'm Smarter Than Larry Ellison[/URL] entry, Cloud Computing allows applications to be hosted in leveraged environments such that you neither know …

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The other day, I saw an article on Forbes.com named [I][URL="http://www.forbes.com/2008/10/10/ellison-cloud-computing-tech-enter-cx_wt_1010oracle.html"]Ellison Shoots Hole in Cloud[/URL][/I] and just had to read further. I did read it. The whole thing. I was puzzled, then I laughed, and finally I was mystified by his comments. The article made me wonder just what the …

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Over the last week or so, I've been exploring cloud computing. My basic thesis through this series has been that as the economy sours--it's darn close to curdling--cloud computing gives you access to sophisticated applications without expensive hardware. Sounds like a smart play on the face of it, but when …

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My post the other day, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3277.html"]Does Using Gmail Mean You're Stupid[/URL], produced some thoughtful comments from people that made me me think harder about the advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Computing. There are security risks and data ownership issues that you have to take into consideration. To get another point …

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[URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman"]Richard Stallman[/URL], the founder of the [URL="http://www.fsf.org/"]Free Software Foundation[/URL], stated the other day that he thought Cloud Computing was stupid and we were all being duped by the cloud vendors. Specifically, in[URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/sep/29/cloud.computing.richard.stallman"] an interview with London's Guardian[/URL] newspaper, he said, ""It's stupidity. It's worse than stupidity: it's a marketing hype …

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[I]You can't go back and you can't stand still If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will ~The Grateful Dead. [/I] Gloomy economic reports continue to pervade our daily news. It has me wondering if the problems on Wall Street will eventually trickle down to the tech sector …

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A company called [url=http://www.moderro.com/]Moderro Technologies[/url] this week unveiled the [url=http://www.moderro.com/Product/index.html]Xpack Web 2.0 Cloud Computer[/url], a palm-sized appliance dedicated to cloud computing. The US$395 computer was being demonstrated at the 2008 Web 2.0 Expo in New York City this week, and is set to begin shipping in late October. Although the …

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Cloud computing or software as a service (SaaS) has a lot of advantages, especially for small and medium sized companies with fewer resources to devote to an IT infrastructure. The cloud vendors, whether [URL="http://www.google.com/a/help/intl/en/var_1c.html"]Google[/URL], [URL="http://www.amazon.com/gp/browse.html?node=16427261"]Amazon[/URL], [URL="http://www.salesforce.com"]Salesforce.com[/URL] (or whatever company) provide all the software and back-end infrastructure support. They even update …

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I've just had a press release from Salesforce.com about the next iteration of its software. It's all going to be based on cloud computing - you log onto it from a browser more or less anywhere and it's available to you wherever you are. Much as the new version of …

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Have you heard the one about the book publishing company with a reputation built upon the back of the Open Source movement, which set its lawyers on a rival for using the term Web 2.0? Apparently [URL="http://www.oreilly.com"]O’Reilly[/URL] has applied for a ‘service mark’ to cover Web 2.0 when applied to …

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The End.