431 Topics

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The quarterly numbers are in the books for Google, Apple and Microsoft , and while Apple and Google made money, Microsoft failed to report a profit for the first time in 23 years as a public company. [B]Crazy Times, Crazy Results[/B] It seems unfathomable that Apple continued to do well …

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The Street is still buzzing about Apple and its amazing quarterly performance numbers, boosted by solid iPod and iPhone sales, especially in the month of March. Apple’s stock is selling at $125 per share right now, but there is no shortage of analysts who believe that stock price is a …

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Apple came out with its earnings report yesterday, and while all wasn't rosy for the Cupertino technology company, bottom line is they made money as earnings increased an impressive an impressive 8.7 percent in year over year earnings with net profits up 15 percent (as reported in [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2009/apr/22/apple-quarter-results"]the Guardian[/URL]). All …

Member Avatar for newsguy

The iPhone is many different things to many different people. I have heard some refer to it as their cellphone, while others describe it as a smartphone, a pocket computer and even the Jesus Phone. One thing I have not heard people call it is a weapon though. Until now …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Apple is reportedly coming out with a new iPhone that will be so popular to consumers that it will drive the price of Apple’s stock up to over $140 per share. That’s the view of Barclays Capital analyst Ben Reitzes, who upped his target price this morning on Apple from …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Sometimes someone you'd written off surprises you. Take Palm, for example. My first ever hand-held computer was a Palm - or PalmPilot as they were called then. So was my second, and my third. I really, really liked them. Then things moved on a little, or indeed a lot. Compaq …

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For the better part of this decade Apple has created some amazing products from the Mac Book to the iPod to the iPhone. They've had an enormous technological and cultural impact, but even with all of these accomplishments, the meteoric rise of the App store is simply astonishing. They went …

Member Avatar for happygeek

For once, it seems, Apple has managed to keep a pretty tight lid on what is actually happening at a big launch do. But as we countdown the hours until tonight's long awaited iPhone 3.0 event, it is possible to make a couple of educated guesses. For start there is …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Lots of news from Apple this week. There is of course [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/12/technology/personaltech/12pogue-email.html?em"]the new Shuffle[/URL] which has the web abuzz with chatter because the controls are on the headphones and not the device (stupid design doomed to fail) and there is the standard [URL="http://feeds.arstechnica.com/~r/arstechnica/index/~3/G-8Z2A_yWvk/another-patent-hints-at-mac-tablet.ars"]Mac Tablet[/URL] rumor (Yawn; call me when they …

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I've never made it a secret that I'm a big fan of Apple products. I love my Mac Book Pro and my iPhone, but I have to say that Apple has been pissing me off lately. The company has decided to throw its legal weight around to protect its market …

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

BlackBerry smartphones get love from Google and iPhone gets love from, well, everybody. Most companies that develop mobile apps worry about these two user bases before any other, leaving other mobile phone users out in the cold. According to an announcement out of the [URL="http://reviews.cnet.com/gsma-world-congress/"]GSMA Mobile World Congress[/URL] in Barcelona, …

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[I]Hans plays with Lotte, Lotte plays with Jane Jane plays with Willi, Willi is happy again ~Games Without Frontiers, Peter Gabriel. [/I] I'm forever fascinated with the gamesmanship that goes on between Google, Apple, and Microsoft. You expect them to undercut each other at every turn, to do whatever it …

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Are you an Android or an iPhone? Maybe you are undecided, which could be he best position to be in as it seems that the smartphone market is set to be spoilt for choice in 2009. It would appear that Apple is set to release no less than three new …

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Since Palm introduced its [URL="http://usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/cars-trucks/daily-news/090109-CES-2009-Palm-Introduces-Smartphone-with-GPS/"]new smart phone[/URL] at CES last month, the buzz has been deafening and for that alone, Palm deserves a lot of credit. Let's face it, they were up until that moment, a company on life support, but with one smoothly-presented product announcement they were on the …

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

As my colleague [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3927.html"]Davey Winder pointed out earlier today[/URL], Google has launched yet another cool tool, [URL="http://www.google.com/latitude/intro.html"]Latitude[/URL]. For the most part, its usefulness doesn't extend much beyond social gadflies, but I can think of at least one practical implication for the workplace. Google Latitude is an opt-in location tracking service …

Member Avatar for happygeek

So Google has announced a new service that effectively lets you track where your friends are at any time via Google Maps and mobile phones. [URL="http://www.google.com/latitude/intro.html"]Google Latitude[/URL] is either a mobile real time social networking work of genius, or a big brother work of the devil depending upon your viewpoint. …

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Apple has updated the iPhone and iTouch software to 2.2.1 with immediate effect. The new software is more a bug fixing patch than being packed with exciting new features. So if you were expecting to get that much waited for cut and paste functionality, for example, you will be disappointed. …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

I've seen it all now - the most expensive phone in the world, probably, and of course it's an iPhone. Not just any iPhone from Apple, mind you, but a diamond-encrusted one. Here's a [URL="http://www.dialaphone.co.uk/blog/?p=2564"]picture[/URL]. It's yours for $1.6 million. OK, it's hideous and it's a gimmick and nobody would …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Not a good Friday on Wall Street, but then what else is new? The Dow is down 100 points, and the Nasdaq off 31 points, to 1,585 after a lousy jobs number (but not as lousy as many thought) and a seller’s run on Apple, Cisco Systems, and on semiconductor …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Tech talk has more predictions for 2009, and the news continues to be grim. Economist Gary Shilling, president of A. Gary Shilling & Co., was on the show this morning with a laundry list of dark projections for the economy and the stock market. Specifically, Shilling says the recession will …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Sophos, the security outfit, has issued a [URL="http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2009/01/04/phishing-scam"]warning[/URL] for users of Twitter to be on the lookout for an evolving phishing attack which could steal personal data if they are not very careful. Already thousands of Twitterers are thought to have received messages from their friends which invite them to …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Following my colleague's excellent blog yesterday about [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3724.html"]what Apple should produce in January[/URL] one rumour appears to be gaining increasing amount of ground - that there will be an iPhone Nano within weeks. The reason this apparently makes sense is that someone is making a case for it and there's …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

This is the time of year for wish lists, so why not make a list of products I would like to see Apple make in 2009. I'm not under any illusions that Apple will actually listen to me, but this is a fun exercise and some of these would be …

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Cnet [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-10122751-37.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-5"]reported[/URL] the other day that Microsoft has placed an app, Seadragon, in the Apple AppStore, even before releasing it on the Windows Mobile platform because, get this, the iPhone is the only phone platform with the graphics chops to handle the application. There is such delicious irony in all …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

To start hinting that you're going to make the best ever media phone this close to Christmas could of course save many of us a lot of money. "Of course, darling, I was going to spend £500 on a media phone for you but the [URL="http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/12/rumor-zune-phon.html"]Zune phone[/URL] is apparently coming …

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It really should come as no surprise that Apple apparently does not consider the iPhone to be a phone at all, but rather what John Geleynse, Apple Director of Technology Evangelism [URL="http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/08/12/12/apple_declares_iphone_a_challenger_to_nintendo_ds.html"]calls[/URL] "a console experience." That's what Geleynse told an iPhone Tech Talk developer event in San Jose, putting the …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's an odd thing, being a journalist. Your job is to report what other people have said and only occasionally should your own view creep in, if at all. It's the same in America; the serious newspapers were exemplary in being fair to both sides in the recent election, at …

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I love my iPhone, but like any device, it's far from perfect and there are several missing pieces. Fortunately, the App Store gives third party developers the opportunity to fill in these holes. Today, I'm going to review five tools that provide functionality missing on the standard iPhone. [B]Flash for …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I like to follow news about Apple and its products as much as anyone. It's interesting and fun and watching the speculation is a kind of voyeurism, a way to get inside a company that keeps a tight lid on information, but much like baseball trade rumors, which I also …

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The iPhone App Store has been open for just five months, since July 11th to be precise. Yet in this time, so an Apple advert running in the New York Times informs us, no less than 300 million applications have been downloaded. Now those are two hugely important numbers, 300 …


The End.