431 Topics

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Interesting story starting to appear across the pond on the UK news wires, with sites such as [URL="http://www.electricpig.co.uk/2008/07/07/o2-sells-out-of-iphone-3g-in-hours/"]Electric Pig[/URL] reporting that things are either looking good or bad for the Apple iPhone 3G depending on which way you look at the news. That news being the sole network supplying the …

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According to a [URL="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/07/04/iphone_security_patch_lag/"]report[/URL] at The Register Apple is failing to keep iPhone software up to date with security patches. This despite the iPhone 1.1.4 software being nothing more than a "pared-down version of Mac OS 10.5" it says. The Jesus Phone is said to be vulnerable to a number …

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Could it be that Apple, [URL="http://www.digitimes.com/news/a20080702PD209.html"]having placed an order[/URL] for some 50 million 8Gb flash chips, is planning to sell rather a lot of the new iPhone 3Gs? At the very least it will mean that the competition, such as Samsungs other customers, will have to go hang. Indeed, Samsung …

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You might have woken up this morning to a distant noise not unlike the pounding of hoof beats. Yesterday you could see the dust cloud forming far off on the horizon, but today, July 1st, it’s a little easier to hear the slow and steady march toward July 11th when …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The market recouped some of its gains today, but tight credit and – here we go again – high energy prices are scaring the hell out of investors and keeping them out of the market. My gut tells me we haven’t hit bottom yet, even at a Dow Jones average …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Is AT&T pricing itself out of a good profit margin with the new iPhone? A growing number of Wall Street onlookers seem to think so. A few weeks back I wrote that AT&T would be charging $200 for the new iPhone 3G – that’s down from up to $500 for …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Browsing through the trading numbers early this morning reveals that the chip sector, which I wrote about on Monday, took a hit with the news that Texas Instruments might come in with lower revenues than expected. TI tightened its revenue outlook Monday, slightly raising its midpoint but also pointing to …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

No doubt you’ve been reading a lot about the shiny new iPhone 3G. The gurus on this site can help you with the gizmos and gadgets way better than I can, so I’ll focus on the business side – and iPhone carrier AT&T has just announced an interesting new strategy. …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Fellow DaniWeb blogger Guy Clapperton [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2585.html"]makes some excellent points[/URL] about why, as a "self-employed Mac user," he bought himself a new iPhone following yesterday's announcement of the new 3G model. Are there any compelling reasons to get a new iPhone if you're a corporate employee or business owner, though? Actually, …

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OK, the iPhone launched yesterday. Apple aims at the corporate market with support for MS Exchange e-mail and at the consumer with a snazzier connection to the Net wherever you are. I have to admit I was a little underwhelmed with the phone - which is ironic when you consider …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's started, then. Today there is likely to be an announcement about the new iPhone and according to rumour it's going to be cheaper, smaller, more functional, with 3G, better storage and all manner of unsubstantiated stuff - believe it when Apple says it later today. Only, last week I …

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Tomorrow marks the start of the much-anticipated [URL="http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/"]Apple World Wide Developers Conference[/URL]. Rumors of all sorts are flying ahead of the conference, but in the midst of all the hype and hoopla is actually some real news as [URL="http://zoho.com/"]Zoho[/URL] and [URL="http://www.transmediacorp.com/"]Transmedia[/URL] Glide have announced brand spankin’ new versions of their …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

RIMM and its ubiquitous Blackberry is back in the financial news this week, after Goldman Sachs raised its target price on the Research in Motion to $163 from $148. Why not? Cell phones, especially multi-functional ones like the Blackberry, are the bumper crop of this year's tech toy marketplace. And …

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[URL="http://www.slipperybrick.com/2008/05/iphone-runs-windows-vista-kinda/"]Slippery Brick reports[/URL] that it is now possible to run Windows Vista on your iPhone, well after a fashion at any rate. In fact what you get is a Vista emulator called VistaPerfection 2.0 which provides your iPhone with "wallpapers, sliders, sound effects and over 90 Vista-themed icons for everything …

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There has been plenty of speculation regarding the what and when of the next generation iPhone from Apple, with some claiming to have laid hands on the device already and others citing new features a-plenty. So far the most reliable reports would appear to have come from the direction of …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/news/187851/apple-iphone-vulnerable-through-safari.html"]According to IT Pro[/URL] the Apple iPhone is vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks. These can occur when an iPhone user opens a JavaScript containing HTML page which triggers the vulnerability. An application Denial of Service attack can then crash the Safari browser on the phone, and quite possibly the …

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Member Avatar for JonathanD

As [URL="http://www.macrumors.com/2008/03/28/3g-iphone-in-bidding/"]rumored[/URL] around the web, the Apple iPhone with 3G support is coming out soon! The iPhone has been a revolutionary tool for consumers, corporate America, and users around the world. I held back from purchasing an iPhone largely in part because it lacked stable support for the 3G network. …

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[URL="http://po-ru.com/about/"]Paul Battley[/URL] is a software developer from London who can probably lay claim to being the biggest thorn in the side of the BBC right now. No sooner had the mighty British Broadband Corporation [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7293988.stm"]announced[/URL] that his hack which allowed people to download iPlayer TV streams meant for an iPhone …

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Member Avatar for Dani

This is rather belated news, but I figured it was worth posting anyways. Apple has recently unveiled larger capacity versions of the iTouch and iPhone. The iTouch, originally only available in 8 gig and 16 gig versions, now boasts a whopping 32 gig version with a $500 pricetag. The iPhone …

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In an effort to compete with the Blackberry, and gain momentum in the business world, the iPhone now has full support for Microsoft Exchange, one of the major factors holding the professional back from splurging on an iPhone. While Apple is now going full force trying to make the iPhone …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/07/iphone-sdk-some-of-the-details-arent-great/"]TechCrunch[/URL] has highlighted a swathe of restrictions facing developers who want to get their applications onto the iPhone platform following the release of the Apple iPhone SDK. Instead of all the billowing hype in the blogosphere about how wonderful Apple is for releasing the SDK, perhaps developers might want to …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The most recent quarterly returns are in on U.S. cell phone sales, and Apple seems to have taken a big bite out of Windows' market share. And it has Research in Motion in its gun sights. For years, Windows Mobile and Research and Motion phones dominated the cellular marketplace. But …

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Member Avatar for tamar

While I'm not yet a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1968.html"]Mac convert[/URL], I've always been an iPod convert. I bought my first iPod in September of 2003 and can't say I complained. Reminiscing, it was a 40GB 3rd generation that I paid $475 for on eBay. It wasn't cheap, and I was fresh out of …

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So the [URL="http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects/ukstore.woa/wa/RSLID?nnmm=browse&mco=26613EC7&node=home/shop_iphone/family/iphone"]Apple iPhone [/URL]has finally gone on sale in the UK, with hundreds of fans queuing at the Apple store in London's Regent Street to be one of the first customers for what has become known here as God's Own Phone as it does everything, according to the fanboys …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
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Apple to iPhone Customers: “Mea Culpa” With Apple in the headlines all week from its iPhone pricing debacle, I’ve kept a close eye on the company’s stock price. One rule of thumb on Wall Street is that if your company find itself in the news for negative reasons, take control …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I'm a big fan of Apple - - I own three G-5's and an old G-4 laptop, and my two of my three kids own iPods (Nano's). The sleek design, seamless workability, and rock-like defense against viruses and other threats that always seem to befall those unfortunate souls in the …

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The suspense is suspended and the mystery solved, Apple has revealed that the hugely hyped iPhone will go on sale in the US on June 29th. As for the cost that will depend upon the exact configuration, but the cheapest version will be $499. As for networks you have a …

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Member Avatar for John A

$500 is a lot of money for a cell phone. True, the iPhone is a lot more than just a cell phone, but the price is steep nevertheless. And the results seem to prove it when you read articles like [URL="http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/news/89B5D6ED1CD4A132CC25728E0013778A"]this[/URL] one, which showed that people are simply not willing …

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Member Avatar for John A

You've likely heard of the whole commotion that was caused over Apple's usage of the iPhone name, which was a trademark of Cisco. Well, the funny thing is that the whole deal is over, and Cisco has really lost. Well, not officially, as a statement from the 2 companies was …

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With the release of the Apple iPhone, threatening to shake up the cell phone industry, it's inevitable that companies will try to use ideas similar to Apple's. The latest "cause of concern" is [URL="http://www.smh.com.au/news/mobiles--handhelds/lgs-iphone-copycat/2007/01/19/1169095944823.html"]LG's Prada KE850[/URL] cell phone, which uses a touchscreen interface, and similar features such as web browser, …

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The End.