81 Topics

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Member Avatar for mikeplace

I'm doing research relating to honesty in the software industry. It would be a huge benefit if you'd answer the quick survey at the link below. Kind Regards! [url]http://tinyurl.com/44n2j98[/url]

Member Avatar for happygeek

What does your Android, BlackBerry or iPhone say about you? That's what newly published research by YouGov on behalf of Intelligent Environments aimed to find out, but the results were a little surprising to say the least. [attach]20446[/attach] The research analysed the financial profiles of each smartphone to paint a …

Member Avatar for katmai539
Member Avatar for gk2010

Hi all, I am hoping that the DaniWeb community might be willing to assist me in my research efforts. I am a researcher based in University College Cork (Ireland) and I am involved in a research study on the subject of software development in global virtual teams. As part of …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

I'm probably a disgrace to my gender for saying this but I think the new study showing women in IT face "significant barriers to advancement" is a bit overblown. According to [URL="http://anitaborg.org/news/archive/new-research-reveals-significant-barriers-to-advancement-for-mid-level-technical-women/"] research conducted by the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology[/URL], the situation is so bad that nearly …

Member Avatar for ravishankarkota
Member Avatar for devilish demon

i want to submit a web survey info to my email address, and for that i have to use PHP, SO tell me can i upload that web page to blogspot or any other blogger?? m recommnding blogspot as it has no ads, so does it support PHP, if yes …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Warnings have been issued today not to complete a customer satisfaction survey that appears to come from McDonald's and promises cash for your answers. A bit like fast food itself, something that looks appetising and promises a quick fix is often not actually that good for you. [attach]17019[/attach]IT security and …

Member Avatar for Emily Banks

[ATTACH=right]16127[/ATTACH]Would Twitter be nearly as popular if users had to pay for it? Not likely. In fact in a recent [URL="http://www.digitalcenter.org/"]survey conducted by the USC Annenberg School's Center for the Digital Future [/URL]found that nearly half of all Americans use Twitter and they wouldn't be willing to pay for it …

Member Avatar for Joseph25
Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

The popularity of Windows 7 features like Touch and Multi-Touch technology means more software developers are developing applications for Windows 7, according to a recent survey conducted by Embarcadero Technologies. [ATTACH=right]15815[/ATTACH]More than half of the 606 software developers surveyed – 54% – stated they are currently developing applications for Windows …

Member Avatar for slfisher

We've all seen them -- a user survey, often performed by Respected Independent Firm, but promoted by Vendor Y -- which just happens to come up with the result that users want the products, or the features, that vendor Y provides. Amazing how that works. Here's the six telltale signs …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to new figures, published today by [URL="http://www.sophos.com"]Sophos[/URL], something strange has happened in the world of spam: China has dropped out of the list of the world's worst spam relaying countries for the first time ever. The Sophos 'Dirty Dozen Spammers' list has become something of a staple diet for …

Member Avatar for jennypitts
Member Avatar for happygeek

You might think the people who grew up in an Internet-connected world would be the ones best prepared to cope with the dangers it presents. But no, new research reveals that 18-24 years old, the so called Generation Y, are actually highly likely to ignore advice about risky behaviour online …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for newsguy

A new survey has revealed that while 78 percent of them agree that it is wrong, a quarter of the kids asked admitted that hacking really is child's play. The survey of more than 1000 children discovered that the boy hacker stereotype no longer holds true, with 47 percent of …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to a new survey of London taxi drivers, an average of 10,000 mobile phones are left behind by customers every single month. If that total is not staggeringly high enough, you can top it up with another 1000 iPods and memory sticks if you like. December is the worse …

Member Avatar for taxifinder
Member Avatar for happygeek

What do you wake up to? An old-fashioned alarm clock with small hammer and large bells atop a round clockface? Maybe a clock-radio or perhaps a straightforward digital alarm with a loud beep-beep-beep to get you moving of a morning? If you do, then you are in the minority as …

Member Avatar for iphone develop
Member Avatar for MktgRob

Mashable is reporting that the results of a survey of 1.400 CIOs from companies with 100+ employees (conducted by Robert Half Associates) show that over 50% of companies totally block employees from accessing Facebook, Twitter and MySpace while at work. Of the companies that do not block access, 10% limit …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for deepak12333

hi I am in deep trouble to loose my job please help me I am working on a website where a user comes and login when it enters a pop up screen appears where it is written continue or remind me later now i am unable to handle this functionality …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I just read an interesting report on eMarketer. [url]http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007303[/url] It found that over 48.5% of tweets that menitoned companies were comments. It is no surprise. What do you think?

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for JennyK

Hi, I am very new to php but I have been using it to do small web-based experiments (surveys) that have several alternative versions. I need to get an equal number of respondents for each version of the survey. So far what I've been using is a randomization variable for …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for happygeek

One third of businesses totally fail to encrypt their sensitive data transfers. That's the conclusion of a new [URL="http://www.computerlinks.co.uk/products/ipswitch/download_library.cfm"]survey[/URL] into file transfer security which noted the huge disparities in attitudes towards data security in general and data security during transfer. According to the 2009 File Transfer Security Survey undertaken by …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

In order to develop insights for its market research section of the marketing plan, some companies use panel or internet research surveys. I actually have developed a few myself. So if you do it in-house or use an outside vendor, what do you think now after reading this: [url]http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/05/technology/companies/05nocera.html[/url] ?

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for happygeek

As honeymoon periods go, the Apple customer satisfaction one has lasted a remarkably long time. However, you might be forgiven for thinking that honeymoon is now over, given some headlines I have seen online. Forgiven but, I would maintain, as wrong as wrong can be. Google might [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/26689/1231/"]not like Apple[/URL] …

Member Avatar for Lead Goat
Member Avatar for newsguy

According to a new Gartner survey, despite companies driving down overall IT budgets this year things are looking good for global software spending in 2010. Well, I say good, but perhaps I should say a teensy weensy little bit better than this year. Gartner reckons that organisations surveyed indicated that …

Member Avatar for newsguy

According to a new [URL="http://www.v3.co.uk/v3/polls/2245397/poll-summer-smartphones"]poll[/URL] the Apple iPhone 3GS is the smartphone that most Brits would want to be seen with on the beach this summer. The poll asked some 1500 people which smartphone they would be taking to the beach, and 28 percent of them said it would have …

Member Avatar for Indiainternet
Member Avatar for happygeek

Am I surprised that many 'IT Security Professionals' appear to have had a common-sense bypass when it comes to the security of their own mobile devices? Nah, not really. Look, we already know that [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/06/11/88-percent-of-web-users-are-morons/"]88 percent of web users are morons[/URL] and [URL="http://happygeeknewmedia.blogspot.com/2009/06/are-you-stupid-it-administrator.html"]93 percent of IT Admins are idiots[/URL] so …

Member Avatar for newsguy

I am probably showing my age here, but I can recall when relationships started as a result of face to face meetings. If those relationships came to an end, they ended the same way as a rule. OK, a few cowardly types might have resorted to a 'Dear John' letter …

Member Avatar for happygeek

A new [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4387.html"]Symantec[/URL] survey has discovered that people are more likely to check the oil in their car than they are to back up valuable data. When you consider that our computers are so much more than mere work machines, that they have become very much woven into the fabric …

Member Avatar for happygeek

I have to admit that [URL="http://www.twitter.com/happygeek"]I Tweet[/URL] from pretty much anywhere and everywhere, the beauty of the medium is that you don't know if I am on the toilet or in the theatre, at my desk or naked in my bed. Or, for that matter, even on holiday. A survey …

Member Avatar for newsguy

A survey of leased line Internet connections from 6000 organisations covering speeds ranging from 256Kbps right up to Gigabit Ethernet has revealed that as many as one in six are loaded to a degree where performance impacts are likely. NetEvidence, a network performance management outfit, undertook the research, and was …

Member Avatar for newsguy

While The Telegraph has been enjoying all the media attention this last week, at least here in the UK, thanks to exposing the scandal of British MP expense claims and breaking new details first online every day, it is not the most popular online UK newspaper according to [URL="http://www.comscore.com/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2009/5/U.K._Newspaper_Sites_Aattract_Visitors_from_Around_the_World"]newly published[/URL] …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Virgin Media has released the results of research carried out into just how much the British actually understand the Internet, and those results show that on the whole the nation is pretty much baffled by broadband. The study, which quizzed more than 3000 internet users, discovered that broadband jargon confuses …


The End.