79 Topics

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Member Avatar for youvi

Hello, Am working on an Adobe AIR application.See i have two type of users in my application ,"nurses and patients".I jus create the UI ie,both of them have a login and register pages..when both of them get logged in they have there own home pages..In their home page they have …

Member Avatar for Andy_Parr

Hi I'm relatively new to Actionscript coding and have a small problem in Flash. I want to track the x property of a symbol (in this case a movie clip) and display the x property of that movie clip in a text field. However I want the text field to …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for JD321

I have a Flash CS3 movie containing menu links. It works fine in IE, Chrome, Opera and Safari, but not in Firefox. Hovering over the menu, the graphic moves but then flickers repeatedly, and pressing the menu button does not take you anywhere. I read earlier posts here and learned …

Member Avatar for carlpike

Hello everyone. I am having an issue with flash style connection So I start off by connecting to port 843 and requesting a <policy-file-request/> The server sends me this: <cross-domain-policy> <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-… /> <allow-access-from domain="*website.com" secure="false" /> <allow-access-from domain="*website.com" to-ports="443-49151"/> </cross-domain-policy> Since it is non secure, I try to connect …

Member Avatar for cherrymae.calma
Member Avatar for TheNinjaForce

I want to make a game in flash but I have no clue to start, I need a step by step tutorial, can someone help? ps: I would prefer to make a rpg.

Member Avatar for sothostha
Member Avatar for FOOLY

In Photoshop, my JPEG image is CMYK. Once imported to Flash, the colors change to become brighter and more saturated. How can I stop this, or what am I doing wrong? Thank you!

Member Avatar for Oveek
Member Avatar for Chimunda

I'm trying to reduce a large number of pdf files to text format. Acrobat has a batch processing feature that will convert the files, and also allows a JavaScript to be executed as part of the conversion process. I would like to add JavaScript code that allows me to replace …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for wapcrimers

Hi Everybody. Recently, i was trying to execute FLASH editor, but as i clicked on executable application file to install it, it shows an error that "FLASH VIDEO EXTENSION.DLL file is missing". I downloaded this file from SNIP but it didn't work and commenting about version. So, if anybody knows …

Member Avatar for contusvideo
Member Avatar for Pinchanzee

I'm looking to create a 3D environment for an escape-the-room game that I'm making with Flash. I'm hoping I'll be able to do it with the 3D features of Adobe Illustrator but am unsure. I need to be able to move the view-point angle in the pictures to take the …

Member Avatar for Pinchanzee
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Not everything Apple touches turns to gold, a case in point is the .mac service which has recently been rebranded with not terribly clever moniker: MobileMe. What Apple fails to understand from the get-go is that people expect their cloud services to be free or at least extremely cheap and …

Member Avatar for bennn
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]17138[/ATTACH]In an impressive gesture of goodwill, Apple has decided to publicize their app store review guidelines for developers, and has even lifted their restriction on third party development software. Yes, this even includes apps written in actionscript, the code behind Adobe Air and the ever-contested, Flash. While the does not …

Member Avatar for Borzoi

I have been waiting for three days now for someone in the IT department where I work to update Acrobat so that I can use it. I don't know why they're taking so long because all they need to do is log in as an administrator then click "update" on …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for jonathan96

First off, sorry if this is the wrong section. Adobe Forms isnt exactly Web Development, but its the only place I could find to post about javascript. If this isnt the correct section, could someone please redirect me? Thanks. Now, onto the question (please note, I am inexperienced with javascript). …

Member Avatar for macgurl70
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Here is a very short tutorial on how you can set your photoshop to produce Divs and CSS rather than the old fashion tables. This is very useful becuase this is becoming the new way to work with web pages and lets you add a lot more room to do …

Member Avatar for MindSter
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.adobe.com"]Adobe[/URL] has nailed its Android-coloured flag even more firmly to the wall than it had done before. The company hosted its so-called Android Conference yesterday in which it put forward the ways in which its software will be closely tied to the Google-owned operating system. It's not all positive. Adobe …

Member Avatar for Brandlax

suppose i have illustrator CS5 and i want to make it like whenever i save, it will save as illustrator CS4.. now i know that i can change it to CS4, but i want to know is there a way to make it default?

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Adobe Systems, Inc. the San Francisco-based software company, that has been heavily criticized recently by Apple, Inc CEO Steven Jobs, [URL="http://www.macworld.co.uk/blogs/index.cfm?entryid=3227682&blogid=14"]announced yesterday[/URL] they were releasing a mobile version of Flash, starting with Android cell phone OS. Adobe states in the press release that Flash is already one of the top …

Member Avatar for BrianC.

HI Mob! I am stumped. I learned on punch cards and a CDC 6600, so I've been at this for a bit, but I am over my head here and would greatly appreciate an assist. Running Vista Home Premium 32 bit (I know, I know. I have XP on my …

Member Avatar for happyrock
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14692[/ATTACH]Apple's feeling pretty good about itself lately and why shouldn't it? It sold [URL="http://www.tuaw.com/2010/05/03/apple-sells-one-millionth-ipad/"]a million iPads[/URL] in the first month. That means iPad sales reached a million units twice as fast as the original iPhone. The revenue spigot remains wide open and I'm sure investors are happy, but Apple has …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for AntonAL

Adobe Fireworks CS4 has common library of Symbols, that is located in the users folder: C:/Users/CurrentUser/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Fireworks CS4/Common Library/Custom Symbols The reason, i need to change the path to my custom path is the ability of using Symbol Scripts: When Symbol is exported to some folder, symbol script is created and …

Member Avatar for newsguy

In 1987, Thomas Knoll developed a pixel imaging program called Display. It was a simple program to showcase grayscale images on a black-and-white monitor. However, after collaborating with his brother John Knoll, the two began adding features that made it possible to process digital image files. The program eventually caught …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Word came out this past weekend that Steve Jobs held a Town Meeting with his employees after the iPad party. Among the topics were Adobe and the Nexus One, which apparently both have Jobs more than a little riled. [URL="http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/01/googles-dont-be-evil-mantra-is-bullshit-adobe-is-lazy-apples-steve-jobs/"]According to a Wired article[/URL], he had this to say about …

Member Avatar for hokuwho
Member Avatar for khess

This review covers the [URL="http://www.astak.com"]Astak[/URL] 5" [URL="http://www.astak.com/product.asp?serial=05EZBLU"]EZReader PocketPro eBook Reader[/URL] which sells for $199 US. Technical Specs: ePaper, E-Ink Technology, 5" screen, 800x600 resolution, 8 Grayscale colors, Dimensions: 6"x4.1"x0.4", Linux OS, 512MB RAM, Samsung ARM9 400MHz CPU, One USB 2.0, One SD Card slot, Earphone jack, Weight 6oz, Li-Polymer battery. …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Zend Technologies today is set to announce a series of alliances intended to allow its PHP framework and development environment to work with other widely deployed RIA technologies from Adobe, Dojo and IBM. In a keynote speech at [url=http://www.zendcon.com/ZendCon08/public/content/home]ZendCon[/url], the company's annual PHP developer conference in Cupertino, Calif., Zend CEO …

Member Avatar for ablitz
Member Avatar for happygeek

Still using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader? Maybe it is time to switch to something that's not glowing red on the bad guy radar, or which is more securely coded depending upon how you look at these things. Yes, Adobe has admitted that there is yet another possible zero-day vulnerability …

Member Avatar for scribeman01

Greetings - - I am new to daniweb and am also am at my wits end with Dreamweaver MX. I converted a Adobe Illustrator file that encompasses jpeg artwork and RGB process colors to a GIF file. No matter what I do, I get unwanted white space at the top …

Member Avatar for scribeman01
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

You have to give Sony credit, they are really trying new strategies to wrestle eBook marketshare from the Amazon Kindle. This month [URL="http://news.sel.sony.com/en/press_room/consumer/computer_peripheral/e_book/release/41492.html"]they announced several new editions [/URL]of the Sony Reader, including the brand new Reader Daily Edition, which should be in stores in time for the holiday shopping season. …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

In a move that could only be characterized as surprising, Sony announced last week that it was going to be using the open [URL="http://www.idpf.org/"]ePub eBook standard[/URL], which in theory should enable [URL="http://ebookstore.sony.com/reader/"]Sony Reader[/URL] users to access and use any books created around the standard. Sony Readers will also be able …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Adobe has issued a security advisory following the discovery of what it describes as a "critical vulnerability" which exists within the current versions of Flash Player (v9.0.159.0 and v10.0.22.87) across all platforms, Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems, The same vulnerability can be found within the authplay.dll component that ships …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The bad guys of the IT business are always looking for the most effective ways to infect the innocent Internet user, and increasingly that means turning to commonly used web browser plug-ins such as Flash or PDF readers. A couple of years ago we were [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1537.html"]reporting critical vulnerabilities[/URL] for all …

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The End.