87 Topics

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Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hello! I have installed android studio 3.0.1 in my laptop . I had some android projects in my desktop computer (with older version of android studio) But after installing latest version(3.0.1) of android studio in my laptop, i copied projects from my desktop to my laptop and opened that projects …

Member Avatar for wilsonchama

Hi Guys, Am trying to develop an android application with 13 fragments. The app works very well with the navigation drawer, but when I tried to add the code for the function to swipe the screen to switch betwenn fragments, the app stopped to work. I am very new to …

Member Avatar for Rajan_7

Many reports shows that Android is the most usable operating system all around the world. So, it's good to learn Android for the career. But I am not sure about the future scope of Android. Keeping in mind the future is it good to make the career in Android?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for palash_1

I add some codes in my android studio project after run it shows error class,imterface and enum expected and some other error so how to solve this error?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for imso

As what was stated on the header I want to implement either a "paint" or "eraser" function whichever feature more convenient for user to edit paint/censor unwanted parts of a photo displayed on a imageview before uploading it to a server in the edited format and a redo function if …

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Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

If you’ve ever checked out of a grocery store, you’ve seen [I]Cosmopolitan[/I], [I]Seventeen’s[/I] hussy mother, prominently on display in magazine racks next to packs of Juicy Fruit and 2-for-1 Heath Bars promising “7 New Ways to Satisfy Your Lover.” The editorials, which are laughable at best, have helped bring men …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16645[/ATTACH]Oracle announced Thursday evening (August 12) that they would be filing a lawsuit against Google, claiming that their Android phone software infringes upon patents and copyrights of their Java software, which they acquired when they purchased Sun Microsystems in January for $7.4 billion. "In developing Android, Google knowingly, directly and …

Member Avatar for dantinkakkar
Member Avatar for nuttyniall

Hi hope someone can can help im having a problem with how ripple is dealing with for loops when emulating an android app using html5 css jquery and jqtouch simple loop [CODE] var len = 1; for (i = 0; i <len; i++){ alert('foo'); } [/CODE] run it through chrome …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for ankur3000

I am pretty new in android application development and I am trying to get on of the rows from a SQLite db to show up as a Listactivity, but this is not working and the program terminates unexpectedly. Here is the code: [CODE]package ankur.test.app; import android.app.ListActivity; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; …

Member Avatar for Bis!

hey everyone! I am working on a project in which i will be using cocos2d for developing a game for android. I am new to cocos2d. Can anyone tell me how to write a simple Hello World app on cocos2d using Eclipse( for Android ). I have already installed Android …

Member Avatar for Bis!

hey everyone! I am working on a project in which i will be using cocos2d for developing a game fo android. I am new to cocos2d. Can anyone tell me how to write a simple Hello World app on cocos2d using Eclipse( for Android ). I have already installed Android …

Member Avatar for ef32

I am trying to create an application that customizes shirts on android, now on my application i have created a gridview that shows the thumbnails of shirts for the user to select, i want the user to be able to click on any image and it displays as fullscreen in …

Member Avatar for youvi

Hello guys, Am working on phonegap(jquerymobile) for an android application.I want to implement a map which shows a marker at a particular location and when i click on the marker,it should show a window and a description about the location inside the window..The below code is working when i run …

Member Avatar for KenGreen

In an earlier post, Tech-B stated that, other then dialogs, there wasn't 'any "real" GUI support' in Python that uses the Android SDK or SL4A/SAE. Has anyone tried Jython with the Android SDK?

Member Avatar for Tech B
Member Avatar for caierhui

hi guys... my MD5 fingerprint is not working.... i used the following $ keytool -list -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android and i entered it in the google map api md5 certificate but it says it is invalid.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for aniketjackit

Hello, I want to get Android Certification. Is there any organization, institute offered this certification? Please tell me the details. Thanks in advanced.

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Member Avatar for mahdi68

How can i add arabic language support in Emulator of android SDK ? its displayed words as separated like this : س ل ا م how can solve this problem ?

Member Avatar for mahdi68
Member Avatar for severman

Hi all I really need your help! i'm trying to debug my application for anroid on my cell phone(HTC DHD) it worked fine, but now i'm getting this error: Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host i've tried everything, including adb kill-server, adb start-server. also …

Member Avatar for severman
Member Avatar for imso

After following above program i still have tons of error on my list what step i could have missed... I really need to get it to work before i could start on my project... [url]http://integratingstuff.com/2010/10/18/writing-code-that-captures-videos-on-android/[/url]

Member Avatar for imso
Member Avatar for 1ML

Hi, I've started developing for Androind [ditched Symbian but that's a whole diferent styory], and I'm not what you'd call a naturall Java developer [much prefer c++]. Eclipse seems to run rediculously slowly on windows 7 (64bit), and running a dual boot system with Linux [on which it seems to …

Member Avatar for 1ML
Member Avatar for EddieC

[ATTACH=right]19321[/ATTACH]If you're serious about developing Android apps, there's only one platform to build and test them on, and that's the Samsung Nexus S. Why? Because first and foremost, the Nexus S runs pure Android. Not only is Samsung's Nexus S, released in December, one of the most beautiful phones on …

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16308[/ATTACH]Coming soon from Samsung: a new tablet computer designed to compete in the iPad market. Running the Android operating system from Google, it will be smaller than the iPad, with a 7-inch screen instead of the iPad's 9.7 inches. The release is currently scheduled for third quarter of this year. …

Member Avatar for meanleekim
Member Avatar for vibhaJ

Hi All, I am having one php website. where user register and add android application id from android market.e.g. com.GalleryXYZ... I just have to check that whether this id is valid or not on android market? I found below link: [URL="http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent"]http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent[/URL] But it doesn't help me. Is android provide any …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for vibhaJ

Hi All, I am having one php website. where user register and add android application id from android market.e.g. com.GalleryXYZ... I just have to check that whether this id is valid or not on android market? I found below link: [URL="http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent"]http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent[/URL] But it doesn't help me. Is android provide any …

Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16067[/ATTACH]As if carpal tunnel, driving while texting and the possibility that your cell phone might be seeding a tumor in your brain weren't enough, meet another new ailment of the information age -- [URL="http://text-neck.com"]Text Neck[/URL]. The phrase was coined by Florida chiropractor, exercise physiologist and entrepreneur Dean Fishman, who tells …

Member Avatar for markjaye
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

With what seems like inescapable, up-to-the-minute coverage of dropped call banter swirling around a tech universe with Apple as the sun, you almost forget that other brands exist. The most recent angle on their reception debacle has been the “But they’re doing it too!” defense, Steve Jobs’ attempt at dragging …

Member Avatar for EddieC

With dozens of freshly minted applications on hand to stock its shelves, Google's Android Market is all but ready to open-- right across the street from Apple's App Store. All Google needs now is for someone to start selling phones that use Android, its Linux-based mobile operating system. According to …

Member Avatar for jamesanderson

The End.