230 Topics

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Member Avatar for scheppy

Ive made a java program to do automated tasks for a game. It takes screen shots with java.robot every 250 milliseconds. The program is working great, but it will always crash at around the 30min mark Im running this program on my mac, and this is the crash report that …

Member Avatar for scheppy
Member Avatar for scheppy

Ive made a java program to do automated tasks for a game. It takes screen shots with java.robot every 250 milliseconds. The program is working great, but it will always crash at around the 30min mark Im running this program on my mac, and this is the crash report that …

Member Avatar for scheppy
Member Avatar for scheppy

Hello all Im trying to make java robot hold down the command key. I have used the following code. robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_META); robot.Delay(5000); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_META); This doesant seem to do the trick. Yes I have searched on how to do this but cannot find a working answer. Am I using the wrong keycode? …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for 3knur8

Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question in, but here goes... I have a new macbook air and I'm attempting to use a shared printer that's on my windows network. I can detect the printer, and it's installed on my mac, but when …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for AndresOend

Hi, I want to use Lazarus on my mac, and I went through the steps, installed the three packages at http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus/files/Lazarus%20Mac%20OS%20X%20i386/Lazarus%201.2.6/ . I also typed xcode-select --install into my terminal, which installed some necessary command line tools. The 'Configure Lazarus IDE' has recognised the compiler, FPC sources, and 'make', but …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for givemethemac

Hello, how can you convince your mom to buy a mac notebook like a normal macbook air 11 inch or a macbook pro retina or not retina. Anyway, my grandfather (from my mom's side) baught a macbook pro retina display 15 inch that costs 1,600 US dollars to my cousin …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for jsherm101

Microsoft is just about over the three day hump that has been their timid Windows 8 release, and amid the [cries of anger](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/windows-vista-and-windows-7-8/news/438107/windows-8-launch-three-year-user-backlash-predicted) over die-hard user, it's apparent Microsoft's move toward Windows 8 was one for the long term, not the short time. ![Win8-logo1](/attachments/small/3/Win8-logo1.jpg "align-left") While some jump to call …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for lim.charmender

To connect to a network using networksetup, we use `networksetup -setairportnetwork en0/1/2 <Network name> [Password]`. However, when the network uses WPA2 Enterprise, it needs a username. What should I do?

Member Avatar for lim.charmender
Member Avatar for DavidB

Attached are two images that I took on a Windows 7 machine. They are portions of a document that was just opened in Adobe Reader X (Version 10.1.9). One image is of a yellow ribbon across the top of the document, warning about certain data security risks. The other image …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for BinaryDigit

Hey everyone! Hosftra comp sci grad here who got into IT for my career. I think I remember Dani from college! So happy to finally register for this awesome community! I'd like to get back into programming a tiny bit with arduino and the Raspberry Pi. See ya around the …

Member Avatar for MicahFountain
Member Avatar for GUIPaPa

Guys why is my image not loading on my JFrame?? BTW I am using eclipse on my mac. Code for Board : package ourgame; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Board extends JPanel implements ActionListener { Dude p; public Image img; Timer time; public Board() { p = …

Member Avatar for GUIPaPa
Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856

Web.py outputs On windows, localhost and work. But on mavericks, localhost doesn't work! works, though. Can someone explain what is? Why does web.py say you can enter a ip and port in command line and it will run there? (You can't run on someone else's ip,can …

Member Avatar for naji.awad1

Hey guys :) Can anyone show me a tutorial for game development in C++. Btw I'm on a mac so I can't go to the DirectX tutorial. Can you please avoid www.cprogramming.com because I dont like it. Thanx anyways :)

Member Avatar for stevecolin101
Member Avatar for itsnauman

Hey guys, I just bought a Macbook Pro but I can find a software that works like WAMP for the Mac OSx for managing MySQL & running PHP scripts on local host, can you guys help?

Member Avatar for Bachu
Member Avatar for Lp_baez

I am looking for a noob friendly C++ IDE for mac computers. I'm looking something similar to microsoft visual studio. I have tried xcode, but it appears to be missing some of the basic cpp. and h. files like stdafx.

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for naji.awad1

Hey guys :) Can anyone show me a tutorial for game development in C++. Btw I'm on a mac so I can't go to the DirectX tutorial. Can you please avoid www.cprogramming.com because I dont like it. Thanx anyways :)

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cuivenion

Hi, I'm running a mid/late 2007 Macbook Pro with Mavericks: [Click Here](http://everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook_pro/specs/macbook-pro-core-2-duo-2.4-15-santa-rosa-specs.html) When I connect a second display the cpu temp goes through the roof, 90C with the fans at max. When I disconnect the screen the temperature comes down. Temperature Monitor shows that it's the CPU's not the GPU …

Member Avatar for cuivenion
Member Avatar for sandeep_8

I have a really strange situation with my storage device. I would be really grateful if somebody could guide me through this. System details: Mac mini 2.0 i7 8GB 500GBx2 External storage: My studio Book WD 6TB (inside probably 3TBx2 raid). file format: NTFS Connected to Mac through Firewire. intermediate …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The popular [MacRumors Forums](http://www.macrumors.com/) site has confirmed that it was successfully hacked on Monday this week. The vBulletin powered forums fell victim to what it describes as a similar breach that hit the Ubuntu forums earlier in the year. "Our case is quite similar" says MacRumors founder Arnold Kim who …

Member Avatar for srinivas88

Suppose I have a set of machines whose ip addresses are changing, say every 10 mins, then before making the tcp connect call (from a client) how do I make sure all the switches and routers have updated their mac Address and Ip Address mapping correctly and that it is …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for karenhaha

I have been using Python for a few months in a Windows environment with IDLE. I installed Python on my (new) Macbook and opened the same files, but am now getting strange results. These are scripts that worked fine in Windows: 1. When I use a function to open and …

Member Avatar for karenhaha
Member Avatar for happygeek

An ongoing attack aimed at users of the Apple Mac platform is being reported by security researchers. [AlienVault,](http://www.alienvault.com) which has discovered these weaponised attacks in the wild, warns that regular Mac users without IT security software installed could be at risk of infection and hijacking. ![alien](/attachments/small/0/alien.jpg "align-right") The researchers suspect …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for tristanhall

We are making the switch to iMacs later this year but to improve employee productivity and enforce access policies we need to find a "business class" internet filter for our new iMacs. I can always configure our network to block the sites but this is primitive as it doesn't filter …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for zachary.sonicfast

I saw a few posts regarding how to hide real ip address and mac address. I use Linux Mint. In the settings per connection, there is a RANDOM button for the MAC address. I click it and it reports a random mac address for use on public wifi. You could …

Member Avatar for pattmorter

Hey everyone, So i've been doing some reasearch and I can't seem to find the answer to my problem anywhere. It could also be that I don't really understand the articles I find in google but I figured I'd ask here since everyone is always so helpful. So for a …

Member Avatar for pattmorter
Member Avatar for mcogliandro

I have this script that I thougth only deleted stuff more than 90 days old but after I ran it, it deleted pretty much everything on my backup drive. Thankfuly I have another backup drive so I did not lose my backup but I need to fix this so it …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for fekioh

Hi, I have laptop running Ubuntu 12.04 and I'm looking at a [mini mac](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_Mini). I would like to operate it remotely (it has no screen/keyboard/mouse of its own) but not through the internet. Could I connect the two locally through an ethernet cable and then control the mac from the …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for natberoca

I just bought a myphone A878 android mobile phone, suddenly wifi connection can not turn ON it always goes back to off then in advance settings it is written there that IP and Mac address are unavailable. same as bluetooth always off. pls. help, I just use this android mobile …

Member Avatar for BigPaw
Member Avatar for pars99

I have been making an Adventure Game and when I try to test it, it always comes up with Hello! Welcome to the adventure game! What is your name? Parsia Parsia? Well hello there! Let us begin... You are at a trail with two paths. Left or right? left Traceback …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for borix134

Alright Im new to this forum so lets hope this goes well, I have decided to learn Java and I started with the lwjgl, I have the exact class and code as posted here: [lwjgl (display)](http://www.lwjgl.org/wiki/index.php?title=LWJGL_Basics_1_(The_Display)) When I run the code I get an error message that says: `JavaVM WARNING: …

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The End.